Thursday, July 2, 2015

What's Fracking?

In this issue of Northern Connection magazine’s “Startingthe Conversation,” I was wondering about your thoughts on the new drilling technology known as fracking.
This conversation seems to have two definite sides since so much money is involved either way.
For more information on the pros, check out
For cons, check out
Also, as I mentioned in the article, Oklahoma (not on a fault line) has started experiencing earthquakes that are registering 3.0 and more with some reaching as high as a 5.0 magnitude. According to an article in the New York Times, the Oklahoma government has just concluded it is due to the fracking:
In addition, I heard that insurance rates are going up to any homes within a certain radius of the blast zone?
But most importantly, what do you think of fracking? Please feel free to leave comments below or contact me through the magazine!